Monday 11 April 2011


So we actually managed to time something well and arrived in Sucre, Bolivia's capital city, in time for a local Indigenous Festival which only occurs once a year. The village of Tarabuco becomes packed with people for the markets, dancing, singing and for the parade. This year Evo Morales (First Indigenous President of Bolivia) attended the celebrations and arrived in Indigenous dress dancing his way through the streets with the indigenous communities.

Dodgy photo of Morales above, he is the one wearing the strange hat (to clarify as there are many strange hats, the one with baubles on top.) Below is one of the lovely statues that the town has of an indigenous person eating the heart of a Spanish Conquerer, this festival celebrates their victory over the Spanish.

The festival is such a big deal that TV crews from around Bolivia were present. One even decided to try and interview Matt, all I could hear was 'NO HABLO ESPANOL PERO MI NOVIO HABLA MUY BIEN' (Bascially I don't speak Spanish but my Girlfriend can) at this stage I continued walking but Linn drew the short straw and was interviewed for the TV! We kindly left her to it and stood laughing in the background.

The festival turned into a shopping trip as we were unable to resist the brightly coloured markets of the village!

Matt managed to buy himself a woven belt in a desperate bid to stop his trousers from falling down anymore, the gentleman had to help him put  it on though as Matt found it too complicated. The gentleman took this job very seriously as you can all see!

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