Wednesday 13 April 2011

Matt gets to 6,088m!

 So Colin and I decided after careful consideration to climb a mountain. It seemed like a great idea at the time. With 500 m to go to the summit it did not feel like such a good idea. It turns out that 5 months of no exercise and eating like a giant Panda are not necessarily the best ways to prepare. Who would have thought? But we both made it!

We got our first view of the mountain - Huayna Potosi - driving to the first "base camp" and were just a tiny bit awestruck. It didn't look quite so friendly as we had imagined what with the big spiky spire of ice and snow at the top.

On the way we also went past a beautiful graveyard. The graves were all of people that had perished on the mountain. NOT. But it scared us anyway.

So as you can see we had to wear wonderful clothes - in fact Harriet tells me she saw similar in London fashion week, honest! I apologies for my stupid pose in the photo above I was tired and I assume was not thinking clearly.

The climb facing us

Me looking very tired at the top, why stand on the summit when you can sit? 

La Paz from the summit

The super wide ridge to reach the top

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