Wednesday 13 April 2011


Serere Reserve - named for the prehistoric bird above -   is the most incredible place on the planet. This reserve was set up by the lady who established Madidi National Park ( a massive "protected" area in Bolivia) and was then thrown out, her name tarnished and her lodge destroyed. So rather than give up she bought her own land and set up a truly ecological lodge.

We spent 5 days in the jungle, in a rather posh cabin, eating the best food that we have had in the whole of South America. We also saw, thanks to our guide Domingo, loads of monkeys, birds and even 2 sloths. And learnt huge amounts about the flora of the jungle. It was amazing!

Jungle Peas/Bananas which tasted amazing

Cacau - Habibi the chef made amazing chocolate mousse straight from this

The lake that the lodge overlooks

Spider Monkeys - bigger show offs than Matt

The rainforest canopy, at points it was so dark that you couldn't see the sky!

Domingo our guide teaching us about jungle medicines. These ants are used as natural stitches. Harriet got "jungle fever" and was cured by a magical concoction of jungle plants and tree bark.

Matt being arty

Fresh Jaguar footprints, we also had the pleasure of coming across Jaguar pooh, we decided we would save you the delight of that photo.

The jungle flower that is seen to symbolise Bolivia because of its red, green and yellow colouring.

A SLOTH!!!! Only took 3 hours of trekking and about 2 hours of rowing around a lake to find it. More than worth it though. Matt is sure that they are in fact shaggy tree going dogs!


 The Bolivian jungle with the Andes in the far distance.

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