Wednesday 13 April 2011


Our trip to Rurrenabaque, only a few hundred km away from La Paz was rather eventful. Due to heavy rains a bus was not possible, instead we took a flight in a 16 seater plane which was so small that Matt was bent double to get into it. Even better, as the Pampas are only 150m above sea level we had a good 3,000m to go down in 35 minutes, it was the weirdest plane journey ever as it never felt like we went up! After the plane we got a 3 hour truck ride and then finally got into our boat for another 3 hours, as you can see above, we were well prepared for our trip! (Or so we thought, turns out the beers were for the guides!)

Our first sighting of a pink Dolphin, we saw many Dolphins on the river. This photo made us question whether or not we wanted to swim with them though! There are definitely a lot of teeth!

We also spotted a tree climbing ant eater, even with Matt's ridiculous camera lens it still is an achievement to make it out clearly!

Many, many Squirrel Monkeys which are my new favourite animal because they are so cool!

This is the monkey which would use a Mummy Monkey and Baby to divert everyone's attention and then would sneak into Breakfast and steal food. On the first day he stole donuts, we tried to give him papaya to balance out his meal, he took one bite and threw it away and stole another donut. 

Matt showing off on the photography grounds again!

Matt's impression of an American tennis player, yes he did actually wear the cap backwards the entire time.

Frederico, the Caymen that came everyday to pick up leftovers.

Howler Monkeys- they make the scariest noise ever, it sounds like ghosts in the nighttime. 

Biggest stork ever, Matt loves them from the Pantanal.

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