Tuesday 29 March 2011


After the excitement of the Salt Flats we caught our first South American train, complete with Grease Lightening soundtrack, to Tupiza. This is the home of Wild West, where Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid met their end. So what better way for us to explore the Wild West than on horse back, jeep and foot through red canons and dusty scenery.

I should warn the more sensitive that Matt bought some ridiculous comic trousers and decided that he should wear them for horse riding. Cue Matt the circus freak....

Calling all Gringos....

We were accompanied to the Salt Flats by Colin and Linn who we met on the Salt Flats and seem to be following us (or the other way around, a matter of constant discussion) to Tupiza and beyond. With them and in the search of a suitable St.Paddy's Day venue (Colin is after all Irish), we met Jose, a rather dubious man who tried in vain to teach us to dance and earn our money, oh fun times!

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