Sunday 24 April 2011

Lake Titicaca- Bolivian Side

So after La Paz we went to Lake Titicaca which is the highest lake in the world. It is also the closest that Bolivians come to the sea so their Navy likes to ride about the lake on boats. Yes, the land locked country of Bolivia does indeed have a Navy, I thought it was a joke too. Bolivians are also taught at school that they have a national duty to reclaim their lost coast line from Chile, good luck Bolivia.

The lake is amazingly blue and has lots of islands on it, we spent a few days on the Bolivian side seeing their island, Isla del Sol. The altitude is pretty damn high on this island but we went for a walk across the whole of it, we learnt that Inca ruins are quite dull and that the Malaria tablets we are on really do cause you to burn in the sun!

Matt's cool camouflage gear. 

Nice path way across Isla del Sol.

One of the traditional reed boats that sail Lake Titicaca.

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