Saturday 25 December 2010

Its Christmasssssssssssssssssssssssss!

 Well, not exactly the Christmas that we are used too! No freezing our cute  little behinds off and no Christmas trees... Poor us! However, I think stories of minus 10 degrees and the fact that we are sunning ourselves on the beach may well have made up for the lack of snow. If you take your sunglasses off on the beach, we do indeed have a white (sand) Christmas!

We are maintaining a traditional Christmas as best as we can and managed to buy one of the few turkeys available in Montevideo. We (by "we" - Harriet) considered buying the turkey a huge achievement and failed to realise that you need stuff to cook a turkey. Cue manic dashing on the 23rd to four different supermarkets. Many bus rides and sweat filled taxis later, we very sadly discovered that Uruguay does not have cranberry sauce nor sausage meat. Instead we decided to experiment and bought terrine to stuff the turkey with, and caramelised carrots- known for their sauce like quality-  instead of cranberry sauce. Pure genius! We are now both stuffed, as was the turkey earlier, and currently dying in front of the air conditioning unit which Matthew has put on full blast so we can appreciate the cold that you all going through.

We have had a pretty good day, we bought stockings and Santa being the genius that he is found us all the way in South America! Matt and I also bought some presents for one another and ended up buying each other exactly the same gift - Dulce de Leche Liqour! Turns out that we have similar taste!

Talking of Father Christmas, while at the Brugnini Family Party on Christmas Eve, the Brugnini's and I caught sight of him landing on the roof.!!!! Matt unfortunately did not see him, as he was otherwise occupied - he was very disappointed.

Christmas Eve is the big night here in Uruguay and so we went to the Brugnini family Christmas party, with four generations in one house, it was an amazingly good fun and crazy night! We had an asado and witnessed a hundred million fireworks! Not to mention getting some lovely presents from the family and celebrating 'Papa Noel's' visit ( shame Matt was the only one who missed seeing him!)

WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS, TALK SOON!!!!!! (Peace out- Matt's words, not mine!)

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