Monday 6 December 2010

Hola, Como Estas? Me llamo es...

That's correct people, we have started Spanish school! Our first day at school was highly emotional, we were very nearly late and close to turning up without pens and paper due to Matt's need for a good luck ice-cream (which I (being Matt) might add, was a cleverly thought out and good plan). We managed to arrive as the bell rang, Matt with a very cool Burberry notepad (yes he was like the kid with the uncool lunch box). Matt is in a class all on his own due to his special needs. I am in a class which is very dull, half of the people speak good Spanish and the other half are mildly behind. However, I am now learning to pronounce everything like a Uruguayan and so hopefully should stop being laughed at for my Spanish Spanish.

Today was freezing by the way, in fact it was so cold that I had to put my woolly hat on! Expecting snow any day now!

Matt and I are adapting to life very well in Pocitos and Matt has bought trainers so that he can now run up and down the beach while I sunbathe. It's quite a nice lifestyle! We are settling into a routine already of beach, lessons, run/sunbathe, steak dinner and maybe a visit or two in between. It's a world away from backpacking, we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are not millionaires!

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