Saturday 11 December 2010


Matt and I have had a pretty busy week at school. Matt is doing pretty well, while my Spanish is being destroyed by gaining a Uruguayan accent and pronunciation. We are doing so "well" though that we have decided to stay on at school for another week. Matt as per usual is doing amazingly- with his natural "flair" for languages, haha!

We have had quite a busy week visiting people and friends of my family in Montevideo but have managed to find time to get out to the edge of the city to a neighbourhood called Carrasco. We spent ages walking along the Rambla to find my house and then to get into the centre of Carrasco. - Where we had a ridiculousy nice meal. num num num!

The house

Playa De Los Ingleses - The beach of the English (no joke, the name of the beach in front of the house)

As per usual, Harriet doing the "Robot"

View from the Rambla

Rundown Hotel

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