Saturday 4 December 2010

Montevideo - (FYI That is in Uruguay Samantha!)

Sorry for the lack of updates but Harriet and I had cleverly been working out the best place to move onto from Acuncion. After careful planning and much consideration it was decided that we would take a giant coach to Buenos Aires (22 hours long), then run to the port get on a ferry, cross the river mouth to Colonia (Uruguay) and then hop straight onto a coach to Montevideo.

Upon arriving we decided why not rent a flat for the month, and enrol in Spanish courses, cue much research and phoning and googling. And then we thought we could just settle down in our new flat and relax.

5 days after starting this we have now and only just now been able to sit and rest in our apartment.We also decided to have a grown up dinner and cooked (kind of) steak and had some surprisingly nice wine.

The flat is in Pocitos, which is just out of the centre of the city - next to one of the best beaches. And we can see the Sea (well kind of the sea) from our window. Hopefully tomorrow we may even have time to have a swim, perhaps.

Harriet has continuously lectured  me on Uruguayan steak and its world beating status! I was always a little sceptical. But having just been to the Adams' favourite restaurant in Montevideo - Garcia's, I can confirm these views. The Baby beef (below) was way beyond incredible - I am in love! Also the "family waiter" - Sergio- was still waiting, much to Harriet's (and his) delight.

Harriet also tells me that I must tell you all about her "excellent" Spanish and how useful it has been. I may joke, but it definitely made finding the flat much easier and in fact she is actually quite competent - (yes she is indeed now reading over my shoulder). On Monday I am starting lessons so hopefully - assuming she regresses- I may overtake.

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