Wednesday 1 December 2010


In Asuncion we found civilisation, aka cinemas showing Harry Potter! Quite embarrassingly we found a cinema within a few hours of arriving in the city, very much worth it though.

Stayed at a nice hostel, the only one in Paraguay, loads of nice people and really helpful English speaking staff. Paraguay, it turns out is cheap, we had really good food for virtually nothing! Matt seems guaranteed to find the most expensive option where ever we are in the world though, so ordered the best cut of meat, followed by a two person chocolate fondue (then sulked because it didn't taste like Cadbury's, unfortunately I'm not joking!) This meal probably cost the same as all the rest of the food we had in Paraguay put together. I was just happy to find food which wasn't intestines!

We did some sightseeing in Asuncion and somehow, completely by accident, saw the changing of the guard which only happens once in a blue moon so we were pretty damn impressed with ourselves. We had to bite our tongues hard as the national anthem was out of tune with the trumpets and the marching was very out of time but it was interesting to put it politely.

We also found a market which was AMAZING! More fake trainers than you can possibly imagine intermingled with butchers, fruit stalls, more knock off DVDs and cafes. There was also one stall which had chickens, ducks ( at which point we thought it was a food stall), rabbits, guinea pigs and then newly hatched parrots?! Matt decided that we should buy the parrots and set them free- luckily he was eventually persuaded of the stupidity of this plan!

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