Friday 26 November 2010


So we crossed the border into Paraguay - the second poorest country in South America - to save some money after all of our indulgences in Brazil. On our first night we stayed in the worlds worst hotel it was only about £6 a night, we are sure this was still not cheap enough. Matt nearly died when he stood up as the fan was so low, all Paraguayans we presume must be dwarfs that also like being bitten by bedbugs. The next morning we high-tailed it out of there to the poshest place in town at an exorbitant  £19 a night. Which we feel is easily justified after our life and death experience. We have also decided to behave ourselves now that we have seen what hell looks like.

Anyhoo this new hotel has a huge pool which is lucky as there is absolutely nothing else in Concepcion to do.  After our night at the devil hotel we decided we should treat ourselves to a nice traditional Paraguayan meal out - which it transpires involves eating small intestine, tongue and large intestine. Harriet was not so happy - Matt was in his element.

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