Friday 5 November 2010

2 Hour delay equals

£10 off Wagamama's - YAY - plus an additional 2 hours for Harriet to persuade Matt that a digital SLR would be sensible - or maybe it was the other way round, my memory alludes me.
2 hours later than planned and one camera heavier we boarded the flight to one of the grossest injustices ever ever perpetrated by anyone ever!! - Matt's inflight entertainment was BROKEN - bearing in mind Harriet was almost deaf on the flight this left Matt to read the entire instruction manual of the new camera for which only one word can be used to describe its content - Awesome.

Eventually landed and we were met with a further delay- passport control- after over an hour we were free! By this point it was nearly 3am, having supposed to have landed at 10pm it was getting slightly concerning that the hostel may have forgotten about us! Concerns were right- turned up to find no lights on and everyone in bed, much knocking and shouting later we succeeded in waking up the hostel and got our room. After 21 hours of stress and panic the travels have begun!

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