Thursday 11 November 2010

It's lucky that Harriet Loves me

So..... today Harriet and I went for a 20k trek in the rain up a not insubstantial hill to get to a deserted beach that was full of vultures. I couldn't see the attraction for the vultures or for ourselves. So it was a beach, so it was quite pretty, but it did not in anyway compare to Lopes Mendes, And the tropical rain for the entire journey did anything but help. To illustrate just  how much it had rained  we saw this huge cascade of water coming down the Parrot's Peak - the highest point on the island.

To vent her anger Harriet decided that the beach must be hers and hers only so she tried unsuccessfully to scare all of the scary vultures away. Cue ridiculous pictures... Well at least she said she was trying to scare them off, I am sure that she was actually trying to fly off with them.

Had a relaxing late afternoon and had a huge dinner, tomorrow we will leave for somewhere hopefully a little less wet.

Yesterday we went for a Kayak around the coast in the morning in glorious sunshine - what a difference a day makes. We saw lots of Zebra style fish and also a big red starfish. Harriet insisted on the horrendous posed photo below.

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