Tuesday 9 November 2010

It's a tough life - apparently

I (Harriet) knew there must be a catch to a paradise island for only £16 a night, turns out that to get to the world famous beaches you have to trek through mountainous jungle for a few hours.... Turns out I'm just that unfit that a retired lady in a bikini and trainers could overtake me but I would like to say in my defence that if you are having to climb over boulders and climb almost 1000metres high over a short distance-IT KILLS! But I got there with reasonably minimal complaining while Matt jumped around believing he was a mountain goat.

Everyone had said that the trek was worth it and despite many false alarms spying other beaches in the distance we eventually found Lopes Mendes (its worth a Google) and if its low in the top hundred of beaches worldwide I cannot imagine what the others must look like! Actually stunning. The sand is so white and fine that it squeaks when you walk on it and the sea is crystal clear. Turns out that it was worth the effort.

Our hostel is lovely and very cheap, with amazing homecooked food each night, and as much as you can eat (suits Matt perfectly). We have only booked 4 nights so far but it remains to be seen how long we stay as its pretty idyllic. There are only 3 or 4 streets in the whole town!

1 comment:

  1. Looks ab fab - which I could be with you guys - enjoy - it's manky horrible rain over here.
