Saturday 6 November 2010

When it rains it pours

So,,, thanks to a kind suggestion from Hannah Adams we shall now be using the first person pronouns rather than the apparently confusing and offensive third person. Matt and Harriet are sorry for this. Haha.

This is the view from our hostel window! Quite cool really! Photo is slightly deceptive though as there has been torrential rain for most of the day! Have literally only been able to run out to get food and got soaked as a result - no need for a shower tonight on the positive side though.  Not understanding a word of Portuguese has made choosing food an experience but we did well today with meat pasties and sweet potato soup (much much better than it sounds!) Also even with our - (mainly Matt's)  extensive grasp of the Portuguese language we had to resort to the universal scribbling on our hands gesture to ask for the bill, Harriet was not impressed - even after I succeeded. Apparently I (Matt) was supposed to have learnt basic phrases and am very much mistaken in thinking Portuguese is the same as Spanish.

So we were fairly lazy and chilled at the hostel and master planned where to go next.
We also tried  to determine whether Coca Cola or Pepsi  is best, Yes we still love you more Mr Coca Cola.

Sun is predicted for tomorrow though so back to a nice 36 degrees and away we go to the beach! Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Thanx very much 4 putting in my name i hope to see it more often btw this is Hannah and i am now officially a follower of your blog
