Wednesday 19 January 2011

Spot the Argentine

 How could we visit Buenos Aires and not go to the two most famous areas of the city: Recoleta Cemetery and La Boca.

We visited Recoleta early in a desperate bid to avoid the crowds, but as we arrived and questioned the staff on how to find Evita, the response was to follow the overwhelming number of tourists. In fact, it was difficult to spot the Argentines and not be trampled by the gazillion tourists and tour groups. However, Recoleta maintains a cool spooky feel, especially as you can look into all the tombs and see the coffins- serious question- how do the bodies decompose in marble? Anyway, questions like these and sights of mouldy coffins completely freaked Mum out, once I realised this I was hugely sympathetic and saw ghosts around every corner. Turns out Mum isn't a very keen sightseer of cemeteries but we got some very 'artistic' photos.

La Boca is a complete contrast as its a working class neighbourhood with cobbled streets and boldly and brightly painted wooden houses. Complete tourist ville, nonetheless it maintains a certain charm. In between the offers of posing with 'tango dancers' and 'Maradona' the neighbourhood is beautiful and quirky. Mum felt that this was more like the South America she had imagined but as we explained, Buenos Aries is the most European city that we have yet found or will find in South America.

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