Thursday 13 January 2011

l'addition si vous plait....

The mother has arrived and insists on speaking French to very confused Argentines, waiters are very confused by requests for l'addition and Mum gets confused by the their expressions so all is good.

After a horrifically delayed journey Mum has eventually arrived in Buenos Aires and I have a slight concern that Matt will never again accept hostels or slumming it around. We are staying in a lovely Hotel and feel faintly sick from a huge breakfast.

Yesterday we began to see Buenos Aires and went to see Evita's Casa Rosa in the main Plaza Mayo and then we wandered down to find San Telmo. Very excitingly on the way to San Telmo we found Malfada (an Argentina cartoon which was the learning material at school in Uruguay) I was ecstatic!

San Telmo was a perfect people watching and cafe hopping neighbourhood. Here we saw Tango on the streets and many antique shops which was pretty cool to be honest.

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