Tuesday 25 January 2011

Iguazu ( Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay-Sorry Sam)

After the poshest coach journey ever, courtesy of Mum, the seats became actual beds, we arrived in Puerto Iguazu a town which seems to only exist due to its proximity to the Falls.  We had two days to explore the Falls, so one day on the Argentinean side, the other on the Brazilian side. Basically the Argentinean side actually "own" the Falls but Brazil has the best  view of all of the Falls (apparently, hard for us to confirm with the somewhat ridonculous amounts of rain).

Visiting the Falls on the Argentine side meant braving the ridiculously hot and humid tropical weather, we were up for the challenge but the three of us definitely sweated like old fat men! The park is full of Coatis which were extremely cute but little devils when it came to stealing food. 

We started the trip by seeing the the Devil's Throat - , Matt had considerable concerns for the cameras safety here due to the amount of water in the air so the photos are taken from a bit of a distance. it was incredible though, the water vapour also created rainbows due to the sun, it was pretty damn cool!

Here are some of the other falls that all make up Iguazu.

Next day was a more than substantial contrast as the weather descended into tropical storms, imagine jumping into a swimming pool, then having a shower and then sitting in a sauna for an hour! - this nicely sums up the climate. The views were incredible but unfortunately it was all a bit misty so it was not as cool as I was imagining after seeing the falls the previous day. In fact it was so wet that the little camera protested and decided to stop working, luckily after some very tender and loving care, dry and warmth it came back to life.

Probably the best bit though was our miraculous timing of arrving at Full Moon, this meant that there were Moon walks around the Devil's Throat on the Argentinean side. It was beyond amazing, slightly spoiled by all the mushy couples getting engaged and rubbish like that. However, it was definitely amazing and although quite expensive I would certainly recommend it!

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