Sunday 15 May 2011

We finally found Jaguars!!!!!!!!!!!

Admittedly they were in Lima's zoo but we had had enough. After six months of searching and spending many pennies and pounds on going to the pantanal, pampas and jungle we have officially given up with seeing a Jaguar in the wild.

Instead we were able to sit and watch the Jaguars, Pumas, Panthers and various other native wild cats with an ice-cream. Matt was able to take photos and tried his best to make them seem like they were taken in the wild....

A photo of the 'Cock-of-the-rock', a bird from Ecuador which apparently we will be seeing this week in an old man's bird sanctuary Matt is taking me to.

Lima Zoo was actually very impressive for a zoo and incredible for a zoo in South America. I'm pretty sure that we have both seen worse Zoos' in England!

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