Sunday 29 May 2011


Well, I was right it was sort of an old man's bird reserve but we liked it anyway! We somehow got the best room in the reserve and so had windows for walls! ( This only caused a slight problem on the final day when the maid came up to clean the room and Matt was getting into a shower! hehehe) You could hear the screams a mile away- Matt was screaming.

Anyway despite our best efforts we did see a few birds. We devised a 'cool bird list', i.e. Toucans, Parrots, etc which warranted a photo but little brown birds slightly bored us. The cloud forest as a whole made up for the little brown birds as we played with leaves and I created an excellent beard out of one of them.

We also went out for a walk to a waterfall which was amazing, as we had to trek up the stream to get to the waterfall and then climb up rocks with ropes to reach the waterfall. The downside was when we arrived Matt decided it would be incredibly funny to try and throw me under the freezing cold jet of water. We also went zip lining over the canopy which was 'loco' but we are awaiting photos of that.

 As Bellavista Reserve is infamous for its hummingbirds, it meant that Matt went crazy trying to get the perfect shot of a hummingbird mid-flight. Turns out that as the hummingbirds move their wings 80 times a second it is hard to get a photo.

Matt trying to take more cool photos, this time a giant spider!

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