Monday 30 May 2011

Same! (SAH-MAY Beach, not same beach)

As we are now ending in Buenos Aires where it will be cold and I have missed out on coming home with a tan to make you all jealous, Matt suggested a week at the beach before we go into winter to try and cheer me up. We stayed with a crazy German, Caribbean couple who taught us how to make Iced Tea and the perfect Guacamole (be warned it contains virtually a whole garlic bulb) and enjoyed having the whole hotel to ourselves.

Turns out the beach that we had chosen is also THE destination of the rich from Quito. Slightly bad move as the food in the restaurants was extortionate and very poor. However, as we were there for nearly a week we managed to find a very nice place on the beach, it did take us 4 days to do so though!

The beach was very nice and I am now off white. Matt did incredibly well and only burnt his back which is apparently my fault for not protecting him enough! Whoops! However, as he spent a great deal of his time in the gym at the hotel, preparing himself for rowing (I can hear the moans and anguish across the world guys) we can't complain.

Despite us not going to the Galapagos we still got to see Iguanas crawling across the hotel roof!

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