Thursday 24 February 2011


Well after discovering that we had missed seeing Orcas by one measly day we tried very hard to maintain our excitement of seeing penguins. We went to Punta Tombo to find Penguins where there is the largest colony of Penguins outside Antarctica. It was beyond weird to see Penguins sunbathing, it felt like they were on their summer holidays or something.

The Penguins were pretty damn cute and there were thousands of them, I had imagined them all crowded on the beach fighting for room but instead they spread themselves in land, despite having to return to the sea to feed.

Yes my hair needs a shear!

Also we think the owners of the land must have decided to diversify as there were also loads of Alpacas?/Guanaco?/Llamas? - we don't understand the difference.

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