Friday 4 February 2011

It's the end of the world!!

We are in Ushuaia which is the Southern most city of the world, technically in Argentina but to get here from mainland Argentina you have to cross into Chile, so we received 4 more immigration stamps, which somehow still excites Harriet.  From Ushuaia you can get to Anarctica, not that we will be heading that way this time, cheapest tickets are $3.500 - it was at very tempting to put our savings on 28 on the roulette tables, however being very sensible and mature I decided this was a terrible idea and managed to dissuade Harriet - lucky escape me thinks.

Instead we dared to venture onto a 4 hour boat trip on the Beagle Canal and saw Sea Lions, Cormorants and "learnt" about extinct (bar one) indigenious people who apparently lived naked all year round. As we are in the Summer here, and the temperatures have failed to reach the dizzying heights of double figures Harriet and I think they maybe should have invested in some North Face!!

Cormorants - We wish they were Penguins

The city of Ushuaia is more like a town but it has a pretty cool vibe and a million (well approximately a million)  English people, most going on cruises. There is nothing stranger than hearing a Northern accent in a tea house 14,000 km from home! The Tent - named Terrence- is going very well depsite ice age conditions. The campsite was  very posh, this one even has WIFI. There are also beautiful birds in the woodlands surrounding - see pic!

On the way from Ushuaia to Chile crossing the Magellan Straits we saw Commerson's Dolphins. 

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