Monday 20 June 2011

Ciao for now...

Tomorrow morning we will be leaving South America and ending our eight month trip. While we are both hugely excited to be seeing everyone again or meeting some people a new, we are both pretty devastated about the end of our trip. After 8 months of packing every other day and absolutely hating it - it is quite sad to think there will be no more.

 For our final day we had an Amazing meal of baby beef, chorizo, morcilla and mollejas to say goodbye to the wonderful Argentine/Uruguayan food. I'm afraid to say Argentina that in the final tally Uruguay won on the most excellent steaks despite the fact that the best steak in South America is to be found in Alfredo's in Bariloche.

 After a huge debate we have decided that we would live in Montevideo, Uruguay but that we think Buenos Aires, Argentina is the coolest city in Sudamerica. Harriet's favourite place is the Salar de Uyuni closely followed by the jungle  - making Bolivia her favourite country. Meanwhile I am in love with Patagonia both in Chile and Argentina - and climbing the mountain in Bolivia really was incredible.

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