Monday 20 June 2011

Casi Home

For our final week in South America Matt and I went back to Uruguay. We first spent a weekend in Buenos Aires frantically buying clothes as we feared that our Uruguayan family and friends would mistake us for tramps if we were to turn up in our clothes that we had worn continuously for 8 months. I managed to buy two pairs of shoes, jeans, a coat and a jumper while Matt bought three tops and brown suede shoes!

Montevideo was beautiful even in Winter as the sun was shining and we saw all of our friends and family. We even found time to meet new people and further become integrated into Uruguayan culture. We were staying with Cecilia Brugnini, a well known artist in Uruguay and her house was beautiful. We were both on best behaviour to ensure that we didn't accidently knock over a priceless piece of art!

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